Friday, March 6, 2020

Exam over the history of Reform and Power of the Elites essays

Exam over the history of Reform and Power of the Elites essays American people hear about reform and ideas surrounding reform every election year. Americans around election time begin to hear new policies that an elected candidate would like to enact or reforms that they will pass when in power. These reforms are made to seem like the key to a brighter tomorrow for everyone. Americans begin to live with a new hope, that this one person will get elected and in taking office make dreams come true. In most cases the reforms that the politicians speak of are thrown by the waste side even if they are elected, and when they are enacted they usually fail to satisfy the American people. When one examines reforms that have come about since the 1930s one can see many trends in American desires and how they were are were not met when reforms are set into motion by the government. When speaking of reform in government it is necessary to examine the New Deal set into motion by Roosevelt. Roosevelt enacted a whirlwind of political reform with the hopes of picking America out of unemployment and depression. His aid to the economy, to the jobless, to the farms followed quickly after his election. The New Deals first act was the Emergency Banking Act established on March 9th 1933, six more were to immediately follow. The acts provided funds for farmers, jobs for the unemployed youth, and relief for the impoverished. With this being said, one would think that the new deal programs were among the most popular reforms to date. This was not the entire case. Some programs such as the Civilian Conservation Corps won wide popularity, others did not. Those farmers that did not have much land did not qualify for atonement offered to the larger field farmers. Business reform was also met with numerous conflicts; those in power companies did not want to suffer with increas ed competition and fought New Deal reforms. Moving form the 30s to the 60s is a jump in time but the number of reforms ena...

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